


Michael Pollan, In Defense of Foodpollan-idof-3.jpg


Eat Food

  1. Don’t eat anything your Great Grandmother wouldn’t recognize as a food.
  2. Avoid food products containing ingredients that are:
    • Unfamiliar
    • Unpronounceable
    • More than five in number
    • Include High-fructose Corn Syrup.
  3. Avoid food products that make health claims
  4. Shop the peripheries of the supermarket and stay out of the middle
  5. Get out of the supermarket whenever possible

Mostly Plants

  1. Eat mostly plants, especially leaves.
  2. You are what you eat eats too.
  3. If you have the space, buy a freezer.
  4. Eat well-grown food from healthy soils.
  5. Eat wild foods when you can.
  6. Be the kind of person who takes supplements.
  7. Eat more like the French, or the Italians, or the Japanese, or the Indians, or the Greeks.
  8. Regard nontraditional foods with skepticism.
  9. Don’t look for the magic bullet in the traditional diet.
  10. Have a Glass of wine with dinner.pollan-omni-3.jpg

Not Too Much

  1. Pay more, eat less.
  2. Eat meals.
  3. Do all your eating at a table.
  4. Don’t get your fuel from the same place your car does.
  5. Try not to eat alone.
  6. Consult your gut.
  7. Eat slowly
  8. Cook, and, if you can, plant a garden.

Read: In Defense of Food
