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Angus - Grassfed BEEF (Side) - Briarmead

275.00 LBS
May thru July and again October thru December
* Flank Steak:
* Short Ribs:
* Brisket:
* Shanks:
* Skirt Steak:
* Hanging Tender:
* Ground Beef Size:
* Roast Size:
* Steak/Chop Size:
* Steak/Chop per Pack:
* Liver:
* Heart:
* Tongue:
* Ox Tail:
* Arm:
* Chuck (Shoulder Blade):
* Rib:
* Short Loin:
* Sirloin Tip:
* Top Round:
* Eye Round:
* Bottom Round:
* Preferred Size:
* Preferred Pick-up:
* ACKNOWLEDGE: $4.95 per pound hanging weight (HWt) for Half (Side) or $4.50 per pound hanging weight (HWt) for Whole (2 Sides):
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  • Product Description

    Delicious, completely grassfed and finished beef from multiple-year Slow Food DC's Snail Award winning Briarmead Farm's Angus/Devon herd!  100% rotationally grazed and humanely treated on Briarmead's organic pastures; these beeves produce rich, full flavored and healthy cuts of beef for grilling, roasting or grinding.

    The "price" of this item ($50) is the DEPOSIT for one Side (half) of a Briarmead Grassfed Beef.  To order a Whole beef (two Sides), either select quantity of 2 for duplicate butchering specifications, or order a second side with different specs and add to your cart. The final price for one Side (half) is $4.95 per pound of hanging weight (minus your deposit) which includes Custom Butchering, vacuum sealing and labeling. The final price for a Whole beef (2 sides) is discounted to $4.50 per pound of hanging weight only if both sides have identical butchering specifications. 

    • Whole (2 sides) is $4.50 per pound of hanging weight, or approximately $2,400.00*.
    • Half (1 side) is $4.95 per pound of hanging weight, or approximately $1300.00*.

    Final payment will be invoiced and collected when the beef is ready for pick-up.

    *One Side (half) of Briarmead Grassfed Beef averages approximately 275 lbs. Hanging Weight and will yield approximately 165 lbs. of finished product. When ordering your beef, you will have a choice of Small/Medium or Medium/Large. This approximates 225-325 lbs or 275-375 lbs per side Hanging Weight respectively.


    Beef Facts:

    We recognize that most of us wonder what to expect when ordering a full side of beef. Click Here for a Beef Estimator and Cost Comparison (Excel Spreadsheet download)

    The average American eats an estimated 65 lbs of beef per year.

    A small/medium side of beef will require approximately 5 cubic feet of freezer space, the size of a freezer on an average refrigerator. 


  • Product Reviews


    Write A Review

    1. Best beef money can buy!

      The side of beef I picked up in January 2017 is the second one I have ordered. It lasts my family of 4 about a year. First off, the process couldn't be easier. Pick a month, pick the specific cuts and sizes you want, pay a $40 deposit and wait. Get a bill when it is ready, pay, and go pick up a few hundred pounds of delicious beef. While it is a lot to pay at one time, you'll have a year supply of beef in your freezer. The packages are clearly labeled and packaged nicely.

      There is quality in the beef that you can't see. You have to know/trust that grass fed beef in general is better than grain fed beef from super farms. But you can also taste the difference in every cut. Oddly enough I find the hamburger meat to be the most different/better tasting than store bought.

      I highly recommend Briarmead grass fed beef to anyone. And I have!
      on 21st Feb 2017

    2. Very Good.

      The meat is very good. I have only had my order for a short time but the meat we have cooked so far is very good. Flavorful and lean. The packaging and labeling is first rate. I highly recommend Briarmeade! on 22nd Jun 2016

    3. We are very happy customers

      We have been purchasing our beef exclusively from Briarmead for several years now and have had a wonderful experience each time, the ordering process is easy and the customer service is excellent. Our family appreciates knowing where our meat is from and we are happy to be able to support our local farmers, it's a win/win! on 16th Mar 2016

    4. Grassfed Beef

      We purchased a half cow, that was grassfed, from Briarmead Farm. We have really enjoyed the steaks and hamburgers. on 29th Dec 2015

    5. Outstanding! Nothing Compares!

      I am delighted and couldn't be happier with this beef. It is tender and very,very lean...just the way we like it. And it actually tastes like beef (vice the tough, half fat, tasteless mass production meat at the grocery store). I purchased one half and split it with my parents. My mom (in her 70's) said, "I haven't tasted beef this good since I was a kid and we raised our own." Coming from mom, that is high praise...she's very fussy that way. I will be ordering again for delivery next year...I'm now spoiled and will NOT buy or eat grocery store beef again.
      on 5th Aug 2015

    6. Best-tasting, healthiest meat!

      This meat tastes amazing, no strong "grassy" smell or flavor like some grass-fed beef can have. We enjoy tasting and learning the characteristics of each cut of beef. However, we do find that sometimes we can be surprised by a cut of steak or roast we haven't had or tried before, so it is good not to have inflexible expectations on your choices. We are so happy to have this resource of beef with amazing flavor and tenderness and unbeatable quality! If we run out before our next side is available it's such a letdown to have to buy beef from the grocery store! on 5th Jan 2015

    7. Didn't realize beef could taste so good

      This was our first attempt at grass fed beef. While it took a little longer to get the beef than expected, the wait was well worth it. The flavor is outstanding. The cost is very reasonable and, per pound, is cheaper than buying at the big name grocery stores. We'll be purchasing from Briarmead again. on 21st Feb 2014

    8. Excellent beef, great value!

      We started buying sides of beef from Briarmead several years ago, and we are very happy with the quality and price for this nutritious food. Tender and delicious! on 17th Jan 2014

    9. Excellent Raw and Cooked

      We have enjoyed Briarmead beef for several years running, and serve it both raw (tartare) and cooked to family and guests alike. Much better than bland industrial beef. on 11th Aug 2013

    10. Great!

      Delicious, top quality beef, at a great price! There is no better way to get grassfed beef! This is our fourth or fifth side now, and we will never go back to buying from the grocery store. Thanks!! on 19th Jul 2013

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  • Other Details

    Breed(s): Black Angus and Angus/Devon Cross
    Price per Pound: $4.95/lb Hanging Weight (Side) or $4.50/lb Hanging Weight (Whole)
    Average Side: 275 lbs. Hanging Weight
    Custom Butchering: Included (USDA Inspected)
    Average Total Cost: $1300 per side
    Pick-up Location(s): Winchester, VA
    Finishing Feed: All Grass
    Grains: None
    Medications: None